Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving weekend was a crazy one here at the Nelson household. Lots going on:

We had a great Thanksgiving dinner at another Nelson household (no relation). I met Sandy through prenatal yoga and the four of us (Sandy, Jason, Keith and I) often ended up in the same birthing courses at Sibley hospital (little Emily was born about 2 1/2 weeks before Aria). Now Sandy is one of the moms that I am fortunate enough to get to hang out with on a fairly regular basis. Anyway, the Nelsons were great hosts and fantastic cooks. And, much to my delight, they too are vegetarians so there was an abundance of delicious non-meat dishes (as well as turkey for carnivorous friends and family).

For Thanksgiving dinner Aria got her first taste of butternut squash (appropriately festive, we thought). She loved it.

Friday and Saturday we had visitors. My cousin, Brody, and his wife, Kourtney, came to visit. They are from Missouri and had never been here before so we had fun showing them around a bit. Kourtney is 7 months pregnant with their first baby - a boy!

We did manage to get in some "Black Friday" shopping. I love that the after-Thanksgiving sales are online too!

Sunday we spent the day with my dad and his girlfriend where we had another wonderful meal and walked around Old Town Alexandria (trying, in vain, to get Aria down for a nap).

And so, we start the week anew...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How was it having Brody & Kourtney around? I can just picture her pregnant... how cute! Is Brod excited to be a dad?