Thursday, November 22, 2007

Six Months Old

On November 12th Aria turned 6 months old. It feels like a huge milestone. She's grown and changed so much in these first months. To celebrate we met Dad for lunch during the day, then he and I had a nice dinner after the birthday girl went to bed.

On Friday we had her 6 month appointment. Our girl weighed in at 17 lbs and measured 28 inches. That's over the 97th percentile for length! At some point that should taper down, but for now Aria is heads above the rest - literally.

There were more shots this appointment too. Aria was a trooper and calmed down fairly quickly once they were done, but this time a flu shot was included and within hours she had her first fever, measuring 100.7 degrees. We stripped her down and dosed her with Tylenol and within 45 minutes to an hour the fever had gone down by one degree. She was a bit more fussy than usual (she was entitled), but went to sleep pretty easily. We checked on her throughout the night; as long as we kept giving her Tylenol the fever stayed in the manageable range. The next morning she still had a bit of a high temp, but after a walk outdoors and a nap or two (and more Tylenol) it finally broke that afternoon. The next couple days she was a bit out of sorts, but all in all bounced back beautifully.

With the fever gone, Sunday seemed like the perfect time to try solid foods for the first time. With Dad snapping pictures, I fed her her first spoonfuls of rice cereal. More got on her face and hair and bib than actually got into her, but she seemed interested and ate several spoonfuls.

Since then, she's really taken to these small meals. While still quite messy, she dives for the spoon and makes "mmmm" sounds with every bite. (This actually makes it messier, as she closes her mouth around the spoon to make the sounds.)

First BiteFirst Bite

What Am I Supposed to Do With This Stuff?What am I supposed to do with this stuff?


Anonymous said...

Look at that cutie patootie!

Anonymous said...

You will be so happy you have all of these photos of her!! Good job! M:)M