Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our Little Artist

My mom is amazed at Aria's artwork and often tells those she knows about what a burgeoning artist we have on our hands. I've been told others don't always believe that Aria can draw faces at 2 (when are they supposed to start drawing faces?) but it's true. For weeks, all the images she drew were similar - faces with eyes, ears, cheeks, hair, chin, etc - and she'd tell you what and who she was drawing as she did it. Here's one example:

Faces by Aria
June 16, 2009

And another earlier version of her faces:

Aria's Chalk Drawing of Shelby
March 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Favorite Moments of the Summer

Aria's First Caterpillar
May 2009
We saw this caterpillar as we were waiting for friends on the Hill.
I explained we had to be very gentle with it so Aria let me put it on her arm, then calmly watched it crawl on her, so interested and quiet.

Our First Backyard
July 2009
This was taken only days after we moved to Takoma from the Hill.
Aria and I were outside playing with bubbles and
enjoying the space and freedom a backyard affords us.

Aria's Big Finish
July 2009
This is the same day, as indicated by the outfit.
Aria was singing and here is performing her "big finish" as we call it.

August 2009
Aria and Mommy out for a walk on a sunny, hot August day,
admiring our shadows.

Silly Sad Faces
August 2009
Aria and Daddy pretending to be sad.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm Not a Silly Girl. I AM ARIA!

So she says. I beg to differ.

Um, honey, you have a little something on your face.
August '09

She picked her own outfit that day.
July '09

Trying on Daddy's gear.
June '09

Teasing Mommy.
Such a twinkle in the eye.
April '09