Monday, August 27, 2007

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

At 5:20 AM this morning Aria Grace rolled over from her back to her belly! She finally was able to get that offending arm (see previous post) out of the way and up onto both hands, holding up her head and chest. I can't say she was thrilled to find herself in that position as there was a whole lot of grunting going on. But for the next hour she continued to roll over whenever finding herself on her back. (It was a bit early - and dark - for pix, but hope to capture her in action soon.)

Two hours later, another developmental milestone...Aria took the pacifier out of her mouth, then put it back in! I read somewhere that most babies aren't able to put a pacifier back in the mouth until around 6 months; if that's the case, she's well ahead of schedule.

Add these developments to the now frequent grabbing of the feet on the changing table, the evolving sucking of the thumb (from the occasional thumb in the mouth while all other fingers covered her face and poked her eyes, to the now purposeful
thumb-in-mouth with the rest of the fist closed) and the growth spurt that has jutted our baby into larger sizes and I'm suddenly realizing why parents always say "It goes so fast." This morning's mobility development seized me with a moment of panic: "She's moving! Quick, child-proof the apt! Any minute she'll be crawling, no running, through the house!" Perhaps a little premature, but with all the changes of the past 3 months, it really doesn't feel like it.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Toes! etc.

Feet are fascinating!

At 15 weeks old, Aria measures 27 inches long (!) and weighs just about 14 lbs. She's so long that she's outgrown her newborn (long ago) and 0-3 month clothes and is into 3-6 month and 6 month + clothing. The onesie she has on in this picture is sized 6 months! For a girl that was almost too small for newborn sizes when she was born (she would have fit some preemie sizes), she's sure grown fast!


Not So Happy

Saturday, August 25, 2007

15 Weeks Today

Each moment with our little lady is better than the last. Aria smiles easily now and giggles, too. Other recent accomplishments include:

- Learning to play with us, i.e., reaching her hands into our mouths and waiting for us to pretend-bite

- Starting to roll over from her back to her belly. She pretty much has it down, but gets one arm stuck under her that keeps her from getting all the way over. If we help out a bit she can get up onto her hands, holding her head and chest way up off the bed. Yesterday she stayed that way for quite a bit, then toppled over with a decent thud. She looked a little shocked, but Dad and I played it off and soon she was smiling again.

- Reaching a lot - for us from her crib or bassinet or the arms of the other parent, for a toy hanging above or lying beside her

- Plays with the little rolling crab and starfish on the musical aquarium that attaches to her crib

Friday, August 24, 2007

Aria To Be Published!

Exciting news! Aria is going to be featured in a book, to be released next spring. Marie Connolly, the owner of Stitch DC (a yarn store), will be releasing a new book on knitting. Many of the patterns are for babies and young children and Aria was chosen to model some of the items. The photo shoot was today and they got some great shots of Aria in a beautiful cashmere romper and a lovely blanket.

Some of you are aware that I love to knit. See completed projects, etc, at

Thursday, August 23, 2007

My, How We've Grown

3 months old.

Announcing Aria Grace

Aria Grace Nelson

Aria Grace Nelson

Born May 12, 2007
6 lbs, 15.7 oz
20 3/4 inches